Console Programs for Mail Processing

When this package is installed, it installs two console scripts for processing mail queue directories using Amazon’s SES via boto3.


$ nti_mailer_qp_console --help
usage: nti_mailer_qp_console [-h] queue_path

Process the mail queue one time and exit. Mail found in the mail queue will be
sent using default SES settings.

positional arguments:
  queue_path  The path to the maildir

optional arguments:
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit


$ nti_mailer_qp_process --help
usage: nti_mailer_qp_process [-h] [-r SESREGION] [-v] [-w INTERVAL] queue_path

Spawn a process that stays alive, periodically polling the mail queue and
sending new mail using SES.

positional arguments:
  queue_path            The path to the maildir

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -r SESREGION, --sesregion SESREGION
                        The SES region to connect to.
  -v, --verbose         How verbose to log.
  -w INTERVAL, --debounce-interval INTERVAL
                        The number of seconds to wait between dumping the
                        queue (default: 10)